Virtual Live Family DJ Dance Party

Campers, Welcome to the Backstreet Patio Virtual Live Family DJ Dance Party, “Physical Distancing Style.”

Steps to Access the Party

Option 1

1. If you haven’t already, download

2. If you already have the App, skip to step #4.

3. Enter login key NTXJP

4. From the home screen, click on the circle with three lines at the bottom

5. Click on the Activities button 

6Scroll up and Click the DJ Party tab at the top of the activities page.

7. NOTE: The YouTube video with the red play button is not the live party.

8. Click on the blue button below that says, CLICK HERE FOR THE PARTY.”

Option 2

Click on this link to go directly to the Virtual Live Family DJ Dance Party at the time designated on the activities schedule.

Click on “Not now” to proceed to the party.